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The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023

The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023
The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023

The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023


Az Army Painter Project Paint Station tökéletes kiegészítő a figura és egyéb miniatűrök festőinek. 30 darab Army Painter festék és 6 darab ecset tárolására alkalmas munkaállomás, mely minden festési projekthez elegendő. Méretének és kialakításának köszönhetően könnyen tárolható és áthelyezhető.


Általános PVA, vagy Army Painter Basing Glue-val 15 perc alatt összeépíthető. Figyelem! A ragasztó nem tartozéka a csomagnak!!



Gyártó: The Army Painter

Gyártó :
Army Painter
További adatok
10 790 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 216 Ft

The Army Painter-Project Paint Station TL5023


The Army Painter Project Paint Station is the perfect accessory for the immaculate hobbyist, who wants all his/her Warpaints within easy reach and well-sorted, ready for painting.

The Project Paint Station can hold up to 30 assorted Warpaints and 6 brushes, which is more than enough for any painting project.

The Project Paint Station, due to its size and design, is extremely easy to store away – and is a very effective way of handling your painting project in a tight space.
Get organised – and... GET MORE TIME FOR GAMING!


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